The Battlefield

Topic: The Battlefield
Bro Henry Mwambela
Date: 18/9/2022

As Christians we need to understand that the battles of this world aren’t ours.

Christian Enemies
1. The world.
– Its full of immorality
– Is with our lust and evil desires.
– They are glamorous in sight and at heart. James 4:1
2. Body/flesh
3. Satan. 1 peter 5:8
4. Evil spirits. Ephesians 6:12

What to do to fight the devil
1. Reading God’s word.
2. Put on the armor of God
3. Have faith 1 John 5:12.
4. Follow the promises of Jesus. John 16:33

Rules in a battle field
1. Avoid the worldly things
2. Praying in truth and in spirit.
3. Denying one’s self. You abstain from evil. You again should crucify your body Galatians 5:24
4. Persevere persecutions. 1Thessalonians 5:6
5. Being watchful
6. Put on God’s full armor Ephesians 6:1
2 Samuel 22:1-5

Be blessed.

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