Revival Service

Preacher : Pst Chris Matasio
Service: English service

(Luke 10:1-3,8-9,17-18)
For one to experience expansion of territories they should understand their purpose and the Agenda of God concerning their lives and concerning the place God has blessed them.
(Acts 17:26) The agenda of God is to go everywhere.
There are four areas in man that God has set his boundaries so as to make sure his agenda is done;
• Personal life.(body,spirit and soul)
• Family. (Gen 18:17-19)
• Church. (Isaiah 25:6-7, 2:2, Obadiah 1:17)
• Territorial (Business, Career, Nation, Economy, Education, Finance)

John 3:1-6
A human being is a spirit that has a soul that dwells in the body hence he is a triad being.
For a man to expand on his territories, his spiritual man must be born again and fed to grow so as to overpower the mind and fleshly desires. He is supposed to take charge over the entire being.
The spirit man is strengthen by;
• The word of God
• Faith (Heb 11:6, Romans 10:17)
• Prayer
• Fellowship
• Service in the work of the Lord
One must work on their spirit man that he may be strong. (Ephesians 6:10-11)

There are four things the body goes through for it to submit to the Holy spirit.
1. It has to die to baptism. Baptism is a declaration to the body that you are no longer the old you but have died and resurrected in Christ. Matt 28:18-20, Romans 6:4-6, 1 Peter 3:21
2. The ceremony of fasting.
3. The ceremony of holy communion. Matt 26:26-28 The body of Jesus has power to deliver man from some spirits and oppression.
4. Anointing. Psalm 89:20-23, James 5:14-15

The soul is the mind, cultures,traditions, feelings, senses and emotions.
Romans 12:1-2
The devil uses the mind of man to attack him.
If one’s mind is transformed and they receive the mind of the kingdom they are delivered. Philippians 2:5, Ephesians 4:22-27
2Corithians 10:3-5
The mind is transformed through the teaching of the word of God so that one can think as a child of the kingdom. Hebrews 12:1-2

(Gen 2:18-25)
(Matthew 1:18-25)
Family is an institution that was begun by God.
If the principles of God concerning family are not put in place, then families will begin to suffer/walk in sorrow.
The pains and suffering a man faces, are not the plans of God.
God instituted His government in the family. He wanted it to be ruled by a king and the king is the family. This is according to Genesis.
Family is very important to God.

1. Family altar.
• This is a place of divine encounter with God.
• It is also where God comes to meet humanity.
• A place of sacrifice/offerings.
• A place that summons spiritual real to come to earthly reality.
• A system of authorisation.
• A place where the spiritual world to be accepted on the physical world.
• A place you go to invoke the presence of God, a
• Where covenants are activated and maintained. (Gen12:7-8)(Gen 22:6-7)
N/B: For your family altar to be strong, they should set aside an offering that comes from the altar of the house to the altar of the church.
• A place of worship and prayer. (Matt 18:19-20)
• A place of teaching the word of God. Teach the children the values of families altars,and life principles.(Deut 6:1-7)(Jeremiah 35:6-8)

(Malachi 2:11),( 1 Kings 11:4-9),(Proverbs 6:26-35)
These are the duties of a wife to the husband.(Proverbs 31)


(Matthew 16:17-20)
• Jesus says that the church He is building, is the institution that represents heaven. We are not only a church, but a kingdom.
• The church has been given the keys(authority/power) bind and make loose things in earth as it in heaven.
• Church in Greek is known as Ecclesia, which means a people who have been called out. The church is not of the world but submits to rules and the powers of heaven.
• A congregation of people who have repented their sins, confessed and have been baptised. (Acts 2:38-47)
• It is an assembly/congregation of two or three people that belong to God as His own property. (Matthew 18:17-20)
• It is a unified body of Christ, Jesus being the head in which the body has structures of governors and operations that needs to be obeyed. (Ephesians 4:11-16)
• It is metaphorically refered to as a building. (1 cor 3:9) (1 Tim 3:15)
• It is refered as the mountain of the Lord. ( Isaiah 2:2-3)it is where laws are given. (Obadiah 1:17) it is where a believer is taught the ways of righteousness. (Daniel 2:34-35,44)
• The church always goes through constant battles(discouragements, infirmities) from the enemy so as to make the church not succeed/growth.
• The church is supposed to grow spiritually and increase numerically.
• Spiritual growth of a church is not determined by miracles, declarations or signs and wonders but by how believers in that church mature in character, virtues and faith becoming increasingly like Christ. (2 Peter 1:4)(Eph 4:15)

1. Grow in faith. (2 Thessalonians 1:3)(Luke 17:6)
2. Grow in love.(Agape love) (1 Thessalonians 3:12,4:9)(Philippians 1:9)(luke 10:27)
3. Grow in grace. (2 Peter 3:18)(Romans 3:24)(2 Peter 1:2)
4. Grow in the knowledge of Christ. 2 Peter 18)(Daniel 11:32)(Philippians 3:10)
5. Grow in the word.
N/B: A believer has to grow spiritually, because the kind of battles we encounter, needs us to be strong. (Eph 6:11-12)

1. wage spiritual warfare to break evil covering the place and vail that surround the nations. (Isaiah 25;6-7)(Ezekiel 28:14-18)
2. Church has to conduct Holy ghost filled services. There are three things that happen here;
• One will be empowered. (Acts 1:8)
• It will consume the dark forces because our God is a consuming fire God.
• They will cause the heavens to remain open.
3. There should be evangelism. (Acts 19:8-10,18)


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