Let thy soul prosper

Topic : Let thy soul prosper

By Rev John Mwakio

Date: 25/09/2022

Scriptures: 3John1:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Mathew 16:26.
According to Genesis 2:7 we are a soul, spirit and body, that is why we are Gods image.
Human beings are a spirit with a soul living in the body.


1John 1:2  Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
– Prosperity is a desired success or goodness.

A prospered thing should be a desirable one that when people see, they would like to be associated with.
Many people have associated prosperity with money but it ought to be prosperity in everything.
Some people have a prosperous spirit that when you meet them, you just feel comfort and relieved.

The Soul.

The soul connects the spirit to the body. It is the essence of a human being.
– Is a collection of your mind, will, feelings, emotions and processes of thinking.
– is only the soul that connects the spiritual to the body.
– Is what differentiates a human being from an animal.
– Is the battlefield of good and evil.
– Stress is when demand is on you.
– No one is immune from stress
– When under stress, the mind tries to bring one out of it. In the process you might reach a decision that could be good or bad.

Causes of stress
1. Unmet goals/expectations in life
2. Brocken relationships.
3. Sickness and diseases.

Steps to prosper your soul
1. Place value in yourself. Encourage yourself in the Lord. 1 peter 2:9.
2. Speak the truth to yourself by accepting the situation as it is. Psalms 77,88,103.The greatest tool of the enemy is to give you worries.
3. Build your trust in God. Do so through worship praise and in service to God Obadiah 17, Habakkuk 3:17, psalm 34:1-4
4. Build your Faith. Psalm 121,  this by;
– Reading Gods word
– Prayers Joshua 1:7-8
5. Forgive i.e;-
– Yourself
– Other people
– Other things
In forgiveness you deal with the principal of condemnation
6. Stop lecturing yourself
7. Reach out for help
8. Connect with a larger family of God. Hebrews 10:25
9. Do physical exercises
10. Create rules to guard your soul.  proverbs 25:28, proverbs 4:23.

Be blessed.


  1. Reply
    Derrick Tinga says:

    It was truly a blessed day with great services that God had truly purposed for me to be present at.
    My day hasn’t ended the way it begun..i am truly blessed and strengthen in Christ

  2. Reply
    Joyce says:

    Amen,,thankyou so much,,,nimebarikiwa.

  3. Reply
    Sardis says:

    God bless you av been passing depression but thank you so much for the word

  4. Reply
    Caleb says:

    A very powerful well seasoned teaching… I’ve really a blessed today😇. May you be increased vehemently dear Pastor. 🙏🙏

  5. Reply
    Richard mule says:

    Powerful sermon, stress is not my portion,more blessings from God my spiritual Dad.

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