Bible Study on Faith

Topic:  FAITH
By Guest Pastor Mulunje
Date: Wednesday  28th September 2022

Mathew 14:22-31, Hebrews 11:
Now means this particular moment for a particular situation.
– Substance is the material
So Faith is the material.
– Peter required faith (the material he needed..) to walk on water.
– Every miracle Christ did, He did through:
*The holy spirit
– Faith is the the evidence of things not seen.
– Even before the issue there’s always a solution so don’t be fooled by situations.
– Faith is acquired and cultivated as you continue reading and listening to God’s word.
– Faith is therefore more than belief. It’s a conviction and assurance that your belief will come regardless of things not working.
– 2 Corinthians 5:7 we live by faith not by sight. Blind Bartimaeus received faith when he heard about Christ’s doings and Him passing by.
– The enemies of faith are:-
i)   Unbelief
ii)  Fear
iii) Doubt

– Faith is alive but can also die. James 2:20. your life of faith is in your acting of that faith (action)
– By his strides we are healed does not matter with what kind of illness is in question.
– Faith isn’t ignoring facts. When the doctors speak on their findings, we are not to refute their facts but faith will make what seemed impossible to them be possible.
– Faith is therefore being fully convinced. Romans 4:19 Here, Abraham didn’t consider his body already dead but was fully convinced that God’s words will surely pass.
– Abraham Glorified God and never wavered at Gods promises Romans 4:20.
– What’s your judgement on God? Hebrews 11:11 Sarah believed in Gods promises and they came to be.
– Sarah received strength that God  is faithful,
– When you don’t agree to what God says then you’re proud James 4:7.
– Faith believes, sees, gives, accomplishes what others can’t even see.


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