How God raised my standard… Testimony

My name is Derrick Tinga. I am saved and Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior… I am an usher, the secretary of Brothers’ of Zion and a member of the media team in Majaoni Redeemed Gospel Church..
My journey of transformation in salvation started in the year 2021 January when the church had a program fasting and praying dedicating the year of OCCUPYING MY PORTION to God..am glad by God’s grace and power I was able to be part of it..in that month I was fighting a battle of being registered as a student in TUM to study a certain course since I had financial issues..at the same time there were family issues I was going through and I ended up in depression. And God had a purpose for all that because the Holy spirit moved me to look for our Dad(Pastor John mwakio).

I started going to his office occasionally to have a meeting with him because he was the only one God directed me to him to talk to. There was no one else who could understand how painful the situation was..am grateful to God through the prayers and fasting and the pastor s words of wisdom changed my mindset and build my faith in Christ Jesus. Fortunately, I got registered the following month after my dad paid my school fees and I occupied my portion of being a student in that institution.

By then, I had a hairstyle that was weird (dreadlocks) so through my commitment to be connected to Christ, I had to change my appearance too, going on along the 2021 journey, for sure I won battles through God’s favor and only the God and the pastor knows. For sure I testify I really occupied my portion in that year. God is truly faithful, if you be humble to listen to His voice, you shall rejoice in Him.
In the year 2022, we had another praying and fasting in the month of January believing Jesus Christ that’s our year of RAISING THE STANDARDS. I believed this great word and my journey in this year I have gone from one level to the other.

God called me to serve Him as an usher the last day when we completed the fasting and praying. The following month, he blessed me to be the secretary of the youths brothers in church. Out from church, I have been able to have job and other skilled opportunities that I never had before in my entire life through just believing the word RAISING THE STANDARDS…my level of maturity spiritually and mentally has also raised along this journey.

I had to change my friends who were toxic in my life and God blessed me with a new family of better people who have the same faith as I do. There is so much I haven’t said but my journey of transformation has been a testimony to me and to others. I always thank God for the gift of salvation and pray to God I see Him more in my life..be blessed all..


  1. Reply
    Caleb says:

    Truely God works well to serve His purpose in mankind. Thanks so much Brother Derrick for your Testimony…it has really inspired me to continue Trusting in God for more in my life.

    • Reply
      Kinuthia Joseph says:

      I am so encouraged by this Testimony… It has really lifted up my FAITH in God, and has also made me continue believing on the PROMISES of God since they are Yes and Amen.

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