Time to Shift


(Genesis 1:14)

God declares two seasons fron the beginning; a season of the night and a season of the day.

In both seasons we have to be prepared so that when each comes you are prepared to encounter it.


There are always signs in each season to show where we are in our season.

Biblically, seasons refer to an appointed time for a particular circumstance or the right time for a certain happening in our lives.

(Ecclesiastes 3:1-11)

The mystery in seasons is that even though God has given eternity to us, we may not be able to comprehend everything God does from beginning to end.

However every season we are given signs and are prepared for that season.

God gives two different levels of seasons in that it can either be definite or indefinite.

The times and seasons of God are not the same as man persues it.

The timing in the seasons of a person is in the hands of God and only he knows and decides.

(2 Peter 3:8)

However in each season, God reveals to man and confirms to having good thoughts for his people. Daniel 2:21-22, Jeremiah 29:11

Psalm 139 shows how God knows everything concerning our lives.

Seasons and times are controlled spiritually. In the spiritual aspect, both God and the devil are present. (Psalm 31:14-15)


1. A season of favor.

It is a time of open heaven Psalm 102:13

It is where we encounter destiny connectors and helpers.

In this time God must judge your enemies. Isaiah 49:8, Psalm 106:4-5

2. A season of labouring

Prayer and fasting, sowing, serving

3. A season of waiting

4. A season of tests, trials, persecutions and temptations.

5. A season of harvest/ reaping back/ receiving

6. Season of warfare.

7. A season of dryness

In whatever seasons we pass through,

* The only constant factor is Jesus Christ, our Lord.( Hebrews 13:8, 12:24)

* Discern the seasons in our lives.

* Receive wisdom for your season




(Acts 17:26-28)

• God has already predetermined the seasons and times of every man.

• God made us earlier so as to always seek Him and therefore, that we may fit in our times and seasons.

• In every situation, ought to position yourself will God. He will eventually sort you in the end.


• Here one has to put efforts. Your being used so much. You feel the Lord of responsibility.

(2 Corinthians 9:7-9)

• Here the main agenda is to GIVE. This means,you’ll be needed to release things that are in you/put efforts.

• One should give themselves for the service. Invest your time/finances/sleep/expertise to the things of God.

Here is a season of;

1. Sowing. (Prayer,service,money etc)

2. Laying foundations for future.

3. One is being pruned/prepared for future.

(Hosea 10:12)

• We are being advised to do the things of righteousness for we shall obtain mercy.

(Galatians 6:8-9)(Gen 26:12)

• We should continue sowing good for in due seasons we shall reap what we sow.


• Trials always come to try your faith. You may win or fail but you DON’T lose your position in God.

• Temptations they come with aim to make you fail. When you fail in your temptations,you’ve failed on your salvation.

• Every believer is ought to be tested by God one day. When we pass, we go to another dimension of faith,but when we fail,we remain there. (Job 23:10)

N/B: Anytime you’re in trials, God supplies grace for you.

If you need the glory,be ready for the suffering. (1 Peter 1:6-7)

• Another trial is chastening by God. (Being disciplined by God) (Hebrews 12:6,Proverbs 3:11-12)(2 Corinthians 4:17-18)


• Here one feels a distance with God.

• It is lowest point of faith.

• When you don’t know how to deal with such a season, the devil will take an advantage.


1. Sin

2. Emotional/physical exhaustion.

3. Double-mind over anything.

4. The blinding of the enemy.



1. Prayer

2. Read the word.

3. Find fellowship.

4. Boast in the Lord.


• Every believer passes through the days of evil. (Ephesians 6:13)

• Here one is fighting from a point of victory and not for victory.

(1 John 4:4)(Romans 8:28)

1. Every new season in your life,God gives you a certain faith to handle.

2. Every time God wants to shift you,He gives you a certain character/behavior.

3. Seasons can affect believers in 3 dimensions;

• As Individual

• As a Church

• As a location you live



• In every season, let Jesus be the constant factor. (Hebrews 12:1-2)(Acts 17:28)

• For one to succeed in any season, they need these things;

1. A word for the season. There are 2 kinds of word in a believer;

Logos – written by God.

• Rema – they are spoken for example,”Time to shift”.


2. Prophetic voice – it is the voice that speaks in our situation with an action of the Holy spirit. (Ezekiel 37:4)


3. Obedience to the word – Here we put our faith in action.

Faith – is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

(Jeremiah 1:9-12)

God sets you free.


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